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Gotham at a Glance

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

As of today, I’m about a month into interning here at Gotham Writers and I’ve already learned so much. This isn’t one of those ‘internships’ where you just go on coffee runs all day. It’s quite the opposite. The main thing we interns do is respond to emails, answer phone calls, and (my personal favorite) answer questions on the live chat on Gotham’s website. It’s fulfilling work - I love to help people in any way I can.

But that’s not all. We often read short stories to be used in classes, test-run writing exercises, read assignment handouts, review contest submissions, and read some more. I think I read more while at the office than I do in school, which is great because I’m being exposed to authors I otherwise never would’ve heard of.

Working with the other interns - shoutout to Emma and Sakshi - is wonderful. Although not everything we do is necessarily collaborative, we help each other out to get things done. It’s a good system. The entire atmosphere of the office here is so friendly and welcoming, not to mention the ever-adorable Cosmo (the office dog, pictures to come).

Hell, even the location is nice. We’re situated right in the Garment District, just a couple of blocks from Port Authority. Most evenings, I take the ‘scenic’ route home to marvel at the billboards of Times Square, or the art deco of Rockefeller Plaza.

In terms of the classes here, I’ve yet to register for one. I will definitely be taking one since that’s what brought me to Gotham Writers. Right now I’m eyeing the TV Writing class, but the Scripts in Focus class is looking good, too.

All in all, this is just a quick snippet of what it’s like to be a Gotham Writers intern. So many different things happen every day, and we’ll make sure to keep y’all in the loop - stay tuned for more!

-Mary Kate

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